Thursday, January 01, 2004

The Critics Critiqued - Their nastiest insults, most insightful reviews, and oddest fixations this year. By Ben Williams:

"Best Impersonation of a Crackpot
"The New York Times' Alessandra Stanley on 24: 'One of the best series on television is 24, and it could be even better if there were less of it—if, say, the world had adopted the time-keeping system of the ancient Sumerians. The show would then be called 12 and its hero, Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland), could save the country from an apocalyptic terrorist attack in a 12-hour day—eliminating the need for some of the sillier side plots delaying the denouement.' Stanley goes on to wonder what modern television would be like if Sumerian culture had taken root."

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