"MOMSENSE RETURNS! [Jonah Goldberg]
The Baltimore Sun has the first indication that a particularly stupid media schtick is returning: The movement of the apolitical Moms. The headline should raise the hairs on the back of your neck:"
In a grassroots movement, moms of all political persuasions organize to oust Bush.
"The story flatly contradicts this, as does common sense. If moms of all political persuasions organized to oust Bush than there would be some moms who want Bush to be reelected organzing to oust him, which would make them stupid-but-interesting enough to mention in this article, which the author does not do. The million mom march should have put an end to this use of mom's as a 'non-partisan' Trojan Horse. Why are liberals so afraid of calling themselves liberals? Fine use your maternal status, but why maintain the fiction that you're not a liberal mom?"